How to Enable the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel

In this quick and easy guide we are going to run through the steps that need to be taken in order to access the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel

There are quite a lot of features in Excel that cannot be accessed without first manually enabling some additional options. One of these is the Data Analysis ToolPak.

Some super handy features that can be used here include and are not limited to Moving Average, ANOVA and Descriptive Statistics.

Where does the Data Analysis ToolPak Sit?

The Data Analysis button sits on the very right of the top ribbon in Excel under the Data sub heading, and looks like the below:

For a lot of people this will probably not be visible unless you have had to use one of the data analysis features in the past. If it does not appear the process to change this is very simple!

Enabling the Data Analysis ToolPak in Options

In order to enable this, enter the Options menu under the File header found below:

Descriptive Statistics in Excel

Next, under the Add-Ins section, select Go under the Manage Excel Add-ins button at the bottom:

Descriptive Statistics in Excel

Finally, select the check box for Analysis Toolpak and press OK:

Descriptive Statistics in Excel

Once you press ok that is all there is to do! Now when we head over to the data tab in the ribbon we can see the opition, which when selected pops up with the below box:

Each of these analysis tools have their own separate sets of options that we can work with for a range of advanced analysis.

This sums up our very quick guide on how to enable the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel!

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